Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Halloween worksheet 2013

October is the month of Halloween.

It isn't a Portuguese tradition but it's becoming more and more popular as we tend to contemplate it in our English lessons.

Here are some topics which can be easily associated with Halloween:

  • Parts of the body (skeletons, monsters, witches)
  • Parts of the House ( haunted houses)
  • Animals (day and night animals for example)
  • Colours
  • Feelings (scared, happy, sad...)
  • Food ( trick or treat ... candy, sweet :) )
  • International traditions
  • ...

This worksheet is mostly a speaking activity. It is thought to be a support for a repetition activity using simple expressions which should be said with different intonations in order to help the students identify the correct picture.

Please leave your comments bellow.

The pictures used in this worksheet were taken from:

here , here , here , here , here , here 

and the boarder was taken from:

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