Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Fun With Verbs & Sentences (App Review!)

I was recently contacted by Hamaguchi Apps for Speech, Language & Auditory Development.  They created a brand new app that works on verbs & sentences.   They were generous to provide me with a copy to try out and review for all of you.  Remember, the thoughts and opinions are all mine!

You can input students names/groups or use the app as "guest."

Here is a view of the settings you can adjust to meet your needs:

Once you are ready, click "play."  Students are provided with verbal instructions to help make a sentence.

First they pick "who" should be in the sentence.  Three choices are provided.  Students should tap the one they want.

Then, they can select what they would want that character to do.  They are provided with three verb pictures.  They can tap the one they want and it will be moved to the sentence dots on the bottom.  

Last, they can pick an object that goes with the action they selected.  As you can see below, I selected "to knock" so I got to select what object I would like the bear to knock.  Again, students should just tap the one they want and it will be brought to the bottom.  

Students are rewarded with hearing their selected sentences while being presented with their visual dots on the bottom.

They get to watch a video based on their sentences they selected.  How rewarding and motivating?!  They created this sentence!!!

After viewing the video, students can touch the three dots as they repeat the sentence they created to describe the video watched.  This is a great way to review sentence structure, build memory, and comprehension of the video watched.  You can record and play back the student verbally producing the sentence.  They can even click "check" to hear the sentence from the app to check their work.  Along the side, are buttons to mark if correct: subject, verb, object.  For each one expressed, you can score it by clicking or have students check themselves.  If incorrect, just don't click it!  

Once ready, hit the green arrow to build another sentence.

At any time, you can click "end session" to finish.  I love it that you do not have to wait until all of the stimuli run out.   User data will be stored in the app.  Please note: guest data will NOT be stored!  So keep that in mind if you chose to work under "guest" as a quick start option.

Others goals to address indirectly:

  • pronouns
  • compare/contrast
  • asking and answering questions
  • verb tenses
  • categorization
  • association
  • following directions
  • and more!

Want to learn more about this great $9.99 app for building sentence structure, learning about verbs and subject/action/object?!  Click HERE to visit iTunes!

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