Sunday, September 22, 2013

Word Vault ((app review & giveaway))

Have you experienced the greatness of the website, Home Speech Home?  This website has tons of lists and ready to go target probes just for providing an email address!  They have now created an app that is just as handy and useful.  You can have tons of probes at the tip of your fingers at all times!  They recently contacted me offering a chance to check it out.  They were also generous to provide THREE copies to give away!  Keep reading to learn more about this app.

The following categories are included:

  • Articulation Vault
  • Language Vault
  • Phonology Vault
  • Social Vault
By touching each tab, it provides more choices.  Let's look more into each category.

Articulation Vault:
You can access all the articulation targets.  Then you can select the view (one column, two or three), placement of articulation targets and can even enlarge and minimize size of font.

Language Vault:
The following targets are included: adjectives, adverbs, analogies, antonyms, categories, common first words, conjunctions, first 100 signs, following directions, homonyms, language concepts, longer narratives, multiple meaning words, object function, preposition, pronouns, sequencing, short stories, synonyms, WH questions, and verbs.  

Yes....all of these targets are included!  I think they have them all!  Just like the articulation vault,  you can view probes in different columns and sizes.

Phonology Vault:
The following is included: final KS words, final NK words, final PS words, final TS words, minimal pairs, and multisyllabic words.  These topics are broken down even further for those that can be such as how many syllables, minimal pair specifics, and more.

Social Vault:
The following is included: conversation starters, emotions, idioms, inferencing, jokes, problem solving scenarios, proverbs, and social scenarios.

At any time, you can click the "question mark" on the bottom right and the app will show you what each bottom means.  You can see below what they mean and all the different options/features:

How do I plan on using this app!?
  • No more looking up or creating quickly probes.  Grab a motivating game or activity and just read from the app!
  • Easy to email to yourself probes to create games/homework sheets.
  • Saves paper!
  • Saves time!
  • Can teach students how to underline/highlight right on the iPad to look for key words, recall details, and look for questions words.
Think this app will help you create, teach, and save time?!  Learn more about this $9.99 app by visiting their WEBSITE, iTUNES, and VIDEO DEMO!  You can also learn more about their other apps at their website as well!  Want to win it?!! Enter below!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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