Thursday, July 25, 2013

Show Me The Data! Linky Fun!

Jenn over at Crazy Speech World is hosting a new linky paty and I of course  had to join in on the fun!  This linky's theme is data!  

I find data collection is a love-hate relationship.  I HATE collecting it (rather be focusing on my lessons) but I love using it to help justify decisions and monitor progress in my students.  In the school setting, it can be hard to see obvious changes in progress with our students.  But with data, it is right there in front of ya!  

I have posted several blog posts with freebies in the past on ways I collect data.  View the links below to learn more about those methods that have worked for me:

Do you use iPad apps in your sessions?!  Are you familiar with Smarty Ear's Therapy Report Center?  It is an easy way to link up all of your Smarty Ears apps and collect data for all of your speech students! Click HERE to learn more!

For this data linky I wanted to do something different!  How about forms ready to go for collecting baseline testing?!  Since it is summer it is the perfect time to gather your baseline materials so you can use it once your schedules are set (or even while creating them!  Collecting baseline can help you make appropriate speech groups).

I created a packet of probes to collect data for receptive and expressive language.  

Using this packet:
-Prepositions: You will need a cup, table, chair, and two pencils.  Receptive: they must follow the directive.  Expressive: you complete the task and ask them the question to elicit the preposition underlined.

-Following directions: read the directions to the students to determine how many steps and how complex they can achieve.

-Answering Questions: Probe to see if students can respond to the various question forms.

-Which One Does Not Belong: read the 4 words to your students and they must express which one does not belong (not in category).

-Category naming: provide category and have student name 3 items in category to get credit.

-Synonym or Antonym?: Read the two words and students must determine if they mean the same/different or synonym/antonym to get credit.

-Syntax:  Use the probes to elicit the various syntactical structures.

-Auditory Memory: read the various pieces of information (lists, sentences, words) and students must repeat it verbatim to get credit.

-Multiple Meaning Words: students must express the 2 meanings of the word provided to get credit.

Listening for Main Idea: read the short passages and students must express the main idea in order to get credit.

-Expressing Sequences:  for each scenario provided, students must express the stories or steps in a correct sequence in order to get credit.
You can access this packet for collecting baseline data in my TpT store by clicking HERE!!

Don't forget to click the link at the top of this post to visit back to Crazy Speech World's linky party and see what other SLP bloggers are using for data collection!

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