Jennifer Smith-Sloane from 4mulaFun
Meg Anderson from Fourth Grade Studio
Jamie Riggs from MissMathDork
and Jennifer Findley from Teaching to Inspire 5th Grade
for this book study on What's Your Math Problem!?!

If you missed my previous posts you can find them here:
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Assessing Problem Solving
As we all know, we need to use assessment to drive our instruction, but how do you assess problem solving? The author suggests throwing away any preconceived notions of using assessment for grading purposes, but instead as a way to analyze the student's thinking. How does the student organize their work? What strategies did they use?
Gojak suggests having the students involved in the assessment process by teaching them to ask the following questions:
- Am I making progress with the strategy I am using or should I try a different one?
- Does my work make sense? (I always have my students ask themselves, Does my answer make sense?)
- Can I explain my work and justify it to someone else? (This really ties into the Common Core)
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