Sunday, June 23, 2013

Picture Books - A Linky Party

 Shhh! Can you keep a secret?  I have an addiction... to picture books!  Ok, maybe I have another addiction... linky parties.  So... I just had to link up with First Grade and Fabulous for this picture book linky party filled with books we use for the first week of school!

My shares are going to be two-part, the ones that I used last year, and some new ones that I will be sharing this year since I am most likely looping with my kiddos next year!
So without further ado, here are a few of the books I read to my third graders last year:
We all have jitters about the first day of school (even us teachers) and this is a great book to talk about just that! My kiddos loved making predictions about who the story was really about!

 Reading about Mean Jean the Recess Queen is a great way to begin a chat about recess rules and expectations.

The Wednesday Surprise is a great book to talk about the importance of reading. 
Here are a few new ones that I think I will begin this year with:
I just found this gem of a book at Barnes and Noble yesterday. It talks about a girl and her memories of first things - such as the first time she rode a bike.  I will be using it as a mentor text for generating "seed ideas" to write about - students will make a list of firsts.  It is also a great way to talk about those first few days of school, and being brave even though we are facing a lot of unknowns.
Product Details I will start out reviewing expectations using Officer Buckle and Gloria.
What books are you reading the first week?  I need a few more ideas, and despite hubby's protests, my Amazon wish list is NOT that long! LOL!
Link up and share!

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