Friday, November 9, 2012

Conversation Builder TEEN review and giveaway!

Mobile Education Store has released a brand new app!  Introducing, Conversation Builder TEEN!  They recently contacted me and gave me a code to try and one to give away!  I know many SLPs that are looking for apps to use with the older population.  Keep reading to learn more and see how you can win a chance!
 This app follows a similar layout/format as their other apps.  You can create a first user profile.  You can create others after that but you can only use one user at a time.
 It was easy to figure out how to create a profile. 
This app also has parental controls.  I chose to enable and place a password.  This prevents students from accidentally accessing the conversations about sex and drugs.  I recommend to take advantage of this option unless you are specifically using this app for those topics.  

 Now that all the settings and preferences are complete, it is time to pick the topic and mode to work in.  You can select one or more topics to address in a session.  As you can see below, topics include: bullying, summer, entertainment, sports, and school.  There are two modes: 2 or 3 player and group.
 If you use the 2 or 3 player option, the student is presented with a 2 or 3 person conversation.  They hear a topic initiation sentence and have to select the following sentence.  They are reinforced with correct responses and given feedback for incorrect responses such as "don't sound desperate."  The feedback comments are appropriate for this age group!
 Once they select the correct response, they can practice expressing the conversational exchange and record their responses.
 The conversational exchange continues for several turns.  Then the student can listen to the entire conversation that was recorded.  You can save, email, and/or more onto another conversation in that topic or another one if you selected more than one.  If you used more than one topic, can the student determine the topic??
Now to see the "group" mode.  First you can input other communication partners to be apart of this group.  Students can decide and discuss which student's turn it is to talk/communicate.
 Students can record what they would say in this conversation.  You can also import a photo if desired.

 As you can see below, students are prompted to see who will say what and when.  I like this because it looks like text messaging which is popular with this age group.
 The conversational exchange continues until completed and then students can listen to the finished product as well.  You can save/email as well.  Can you tell the topic above?  It was the sarcasm topic.

At any time, you can click "progress" to assess student statistics.  You can access saved conversation recordings.
Overall, I think this app is great for teaching social skills with middle/high school students.  The topics and comments are appropriate for this age group.  This app is a bit pricey at $29.99, but it is one I recommend for this age group.

Be the first of your colleagues to have this app!  It was just released this week!!  Enter to win your own copy below:
a Rafflecopter giveaway

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