Monday, July 28, 2014

Quick Articulation Data Forms! (ideas and a freebie!!)

I've been browsing the speech therapy Facebook groups a lot lately.  It seems like data collection is a HOT topic!  People have been asking about forms, methods, etc.  I have also seen people talk about 5 minute articulation programs.  Yes, there are quick articulation programs commercially available (I have reviewed on my blog two programs currently available -- check them out by clicking HERE and HERE!).  But I also like to create my own programs that can be individualized for my specific students! Soooo....I created my own form that I can easily use to create a program and collect easy data!
This form I plan to use this next school year.  Before the student comes to speech, I will fill out a chart section.  Each section has 10 slots for a "target."  What can the target include:

  • sounds in isolation
  • CV, VC, or CVC words or nonsense words
  • words
  • phrases
  • sentences
  • or anything!
I have a slot of the top for the date, place to put + or - to mark data and a place on the bottom for total results.  I plan on photocopying this form double sided and making MANY copies and placing them in a file folder on my desk.  Once I start completing these forms, I can keep them in the students folder, file in my filing cabinet, or in my data collection book that I keep for ALL my students.  Learn more about this book by clicking HERE.

How will I create my word lists??  It depends on the student!!  Do I need one syllable, two, or more??  Have they mastered some words but not others??  Do I was minimal pairs?  There are TONS of word lists available on the internet!  One of my favorite websites to grab word lists is Home Speech Home.

I know I am looking forward to this method since it is easy to prepare, use, and collect data. You can access this form in my TpT store FREE by clicking HERE!

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