Monday, January 13, 2014

Learning About Gorillas And Text Structures

Any idea what we will be learning about soon?  I am going to be reading The One And Only Ivan as a read aloud soon, and I wanted to incorporate some non-fiction resources as well to help them understand the book better.

We started by taking a survey.

As of right now it looks like most of them think that animals should not be kept in zoos.  I will be having them read various articles that represent both views along with the books above.  I will repeat the survey when we are done to see if any of their opinions changed.  We will also work on debate skills.

After our survey, we watched the video below.

 Then we came up with questions about the things we wanted to learn about gorillas during our unit.

It's funny because a lot of the questions they had were also ideas I had planned into the unit - :)

Afterwards, I gave each table one of the books above, and they made posters using what they had learned from the book.

We were learning about cause and effect in an earlier mini-lesson, so they went with that!

And... finally I wanted to share the anchor chart I made for different text structures:

Do you ever incorporate non-fiction resources with your fiction read alouds?

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