Sunday, December 8, 2013

DIY Post-It Visuals!

Do your students benefit from visual aids?  Do you wish all activities came with them ready to go?!  Well, lucky for you MOST of my TpT activities do come with visual aids!  However, every now and then, I have an activity without one or I use an activity that does not have one ready to go.  What do you do?!  Grab a post-it!
As you can see above, I was using my North Pole Listening for Key Story Elements activity from my Holiday Listening for Details pack.  I started the activity by reviewing the vocabulary: characters, setting, problems, and solutions.  My students helped me generate the visual!  This way, as we played, they were able to prompt themselves when they needed reminders!  It helped my students become more independent, confident and successful!  

I often keep a pile of post-its and index cards near my therapy table.  This way I can easily create a visual, sentence strip, or reminder and place it right on the therapy table next to the students!  No excuses, they don't even have to look far!

The hardest part is always coming up with the cue or strategy to help them.  But once you realize the best way for each type of task, it will take you seconds to prepare!

How do you create ready to go and easy visuals?  What types of visuals are you looking for or are having difficult time creating?! Let me know, I'd love to help!

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