Sunday, December 1, 2013

Currently - December 2013

I feel like a blog stalker today - I kept refreshing and refreshing Farley's blog waiting for the December Currently!  This is one of the first times I get to do it early since the first landed on a Sunday - day off!  Woo hoo!  I know - I'm crazy!  Maybe it's the Thanksgiving stupor wearing off?  So without further ado my Currently:

And... I am currently waiting impatiently patiently for the big TpT sale tomorrow, (although I MAY have already purchased a few things that I just couldn't wait for!).  Some sellers are already having sales, so why not?  Just don't tell my snoring hubby!  I am also having a big sale this weekend  at my store with a bonus Buy one get on Free Deal!  Check it out here!

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