Monday, September 30, 2013

Category Fun! (fun ideas from my speech room to yours!)

Are you looking for new, easy ways to work on categorization?!  Check out what has been going on in my speech room lately!
 Above you will see an easy to assemble activity I created with Boardmaker and Dollar Store envelopes.  You can easily use any image (Google, own drawing, Microsoft Office, Custom Boards, etc).  I placed the category names on the outside.  I placed these envelopes across my therapy table.  Then I hid around my room all of the items.  Students got to go on a hunt for the pictures and place it into the correct envelope.  This got them moving around and learning at the same time!  This was a great way to work on categorization receptively!

Now time to work on it expressively!  Once we have mastered sorting the items.  I gave out dry erase boards and markers.  For each envelope I had on my table, students had a competition to recall the items they placed in the envelope.  Who could recall the most?  I kept score on my large dry erase board.  Then we added to the lists!  

We had so much fun sorting into categories and naming items within categories!!  I am all about moving around the room and competitions!

How do you work on categorization?!  How do you make it fun and interactive?!

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