Monday, August 12, 2013

Teacher Week '13: Let's Talk About Me

I am excited to join in the fun this year for Teacher Week at Blog Hoppin'! Each day there will be a different linky party with a "hot teacher topic".


1. I am the mom to 6 amazing boys!  They are Parker - 20, Powell - 18, Palmer - 17, Tyler - 12, Cody - 11 and Luke - 7.  We only have 4 boys living at home with us now, and will soon be down to 3 :(  It goes by so fast!

Us and the younger 4
My oldest - a self-portrait.
My second oldest graduating high school.  This was a big accomplishment as he earned a standard diploma despite being in special education with multiple disabilities (he has fragile-x syndrome, autism, and cerebral palsy).
2. I am married to the most amazing man ever!  This is Ryan and I on our wedding day - we look like babies!  He encourages me in all I do and like most teacher's husbands spends way too much time in my classroom helping me out!
3. We got married in Lake Tahoe - which is where I was lucky enough to have grown up! We still spend a lot of time there each year enjoying the lake in the summer and skiing in the winter.
4. Other than our boy children, we also have a ton of pet babies - 3 dogs, a cat, a lizard, three frogs, and a fish.
5. I am on the city council where I live.  I am currently serving my second term.  I was the first woman and youngest person ever elected.
6. I am super addicted to Starbucks.  When I started eating healthier this year I gave up sugar and soda, but could not part with Starbucks.
7. I recently became a "grandma" the other day when my youngest discovered Build A Bear Workshop.  Oh my Goodness!  This is Baxter:
Baxter has glasses, two pairs of shoes, and two outfits.  He also has a bed, pajamas, slippers, a Steeler's Uniform, a car, and roller skates on his wish list.  I joked to my husband that now I know what it would have been like to have a girl who was into dolls.
8. I don't watch a lot of tv, but I do have one guilty pleasure - Dance Moms.  I don't know what it is, maybe it reminds me of my childhood - lol!
9. Most of my friends have been my friends - forever!  This is Amabelle who was the first friend I made when I went to school. This picture is from our 20 year reunion - YIKES!
10. I HATE getting my picture taken - I prefer to be behind the camera.  I was even camera shy when I was younger.
Well, now that you know a little bit more about me, click on the button below to learn more about some of your favorite bloggers!  If you have a blog, join up so we can learn more about you!



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