Sunday, August 4, 2013

Sunday Randomness

This week has been crazy busy and a whole lot of random, so I thought today would be a gret time to get random with the Sunday Smorgasbord from Fabulous in First
I spent most of this week hard at work in my classroom getting my stuff organized after moving from one room to another room down the hall - I am changing grades again this year - lopping from third to fourth.
So this week my room went from this:
to this:
Not perfect or ready yet, but at least it's clean and I know where things are again.
In between cleaning, I worked on some painting for a classroom decoration idea I have.
I finally finished the pictures, so hopefully I will be able to squeeze in some time to get them hung up and ready to show the final product tomorrow.
Yesterday we went to San Francisco to take some new family photos.  I was able to snap a few pics of the boys with my phone, but I'm sure the professional ones will be so much better - I will share those when we get them:)
These are the 4 boys who are still living at home. Palmer (the one in the back who didn't get the wardrobe memo) graduates this year! Where does the time go?
Here are the three youngest:
At one point during the photo session, Luke, the youngest, fell in the ocean - he was a mess!  But... I still couldn't resist this shot of him:
After the photos were done, we went to an Oakland A's game.
Palmer looking super cool in shades:
Luke looking adorable:
The A's won, and it was a great family day - a perfect end of summer time!  Tomorrow is a crazy day with baseball camp, swim lessons, and Body Pump class! Oh and trying to squeeze some work in here and there because I go back to work in 10 days!!!!

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