Sunday, June 30, 2013

July Currently

Farley at Oh' Boy 4th Grade has big vacay plans, so she posted Currently early - which was perfect for me since we are headed out to All Stars this morning and I have NO IDEA how long we will be gone!

Listening: With a house full of boys and a sports obsessed husband - I am surprised that this isn't ALWAYS my listening response!

Loving: I am not motivated to exercise - (at all!) but I know that it needs to be done, so I am loving the fact that I have been getting up every morning to run on the treadmill, and I was able to go to BodyPump class this week! I LOOOVE Body Pump but with our busy schedule I don't always get there.  YEAH ME!

Thinking: Tyler made All Stars for baseball this year, and we are heading out this morning.  The way All Stars works is if they lose two games they go home, but if they win, they stay until they lose. So... we have no idea how long we will be gone for!  We have packed enough for 5 days and figure we will find a Laundromat while we are there if we need to.  Packing is always so nerve wracking trying to make sure you don't forget anything.

Wanting/Needing: Yeah, these two are combined.  I couldn't make up my mind if it was a want or need.  Anything over 100 degrees is just WAY TOO hot! While it is exciting to be involved in something record breaking, a heat wave is just not my idea of fun!

Tips: Blogging can seriously take over your life if you let it.  As soon as I discovered you could schedule posts ahead of time, I definitely took advantage.  It allows me to still be with my kiddos and share with all of my readers.  Family needs MUST come first. :)

Don't forget to enter my Blogaversary Giveaway for a $25 TpT Gift Card and other great prizes!

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