Saturday, June 29, 2013

Blogaversary Giveaway and Sale!

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I can not believe that my little blog is already a year old!  Where does the time go?  That means that it is time for a giveaway! I will also be having a celebration sale at both my TpT and Teachers Notebook stores this week.
Without further ado... here are the prizes:
A $25 gift certificate for TpT to get you ready for the upcoming school year!
And while you are browsing all of the goodies at TpT - you will be wanting to be sipping on a little something, so I will also be giving away a $5 Starbucks gift card as well!
In addition, the winner will receive any item of their choice from my TpT store.
Jessica from Teach on a Limb  is also offering a free item from her TpT store.


Teach on a Limb
Lacey's Letters also donated this word wall set.
And Sara from Miss V's Busy Bees
Miss V's Busy Bees
a Rafflecopter giveaway

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