Sunday, December 23, 2012

Top 25 SLP Apps for 2012

The time has arrived to crown the winners of my favorite SLP apps for 2012!  Keep reading to learn more about my favorites and how I use them in my speech sessions!
25.  Speech with Milo: Interactive Storybook:  You can see my review of this app HERE.  This app is great for working on auditory comprehension, answering questions, cause/effect, sequencing and vocabulary.  The graphics are adorable and the story is cute and easy to comprehend.

24.  Question Builder:  I previously wrote an app review of this app.  Click here to check it out!  This app is great for working on higher level question skills based on pictures provided.  This app is great for a quick drill at the end of a speech session.  The graphics are fun and gathers quick and easy data!
23.  Word Retrieval:  This app is developed by Virtual Speech Center and is great for students experiencing word finding difficulties.  It targets the various strategies that work with this group of students.  It provides a drill and game aspect!  Check out my previous review HERE.

22.  Tense Builder:  This app is great for teaching and practicing verb tenses.  It has a lesson feature which shows students a video to help illustrate how the tenses are used.  It targets receptive and expressive uses through cute picture images.  Check out my review HERE.

21.  Opposite Day:  This app is great for teaching and practicing identifying and expressing opposites.  It allows you to select from nouns, adjectives, prepositions, etc.  It even has a Spanish feature!  Great for bilingual SLPs!  Check out my previous review HERE!

20.  Go Togethers:  This SmartyEars app is great for teaching and practicing associations.  It works on receptive and expressive aspects.  It also helps illustrate how there could be more than one response!  Check out my previous post HERE.

19.  WhQuestions:  This app is easy to use and great for practicing responding to wh- questions.  Students can record and replay their answers for great self monitoring.  Easy to get student data and progress monitoring.  Check out the review HERE.
18. Question Sleuth:  This fun game is a great way to work on question skills, categorization, turn taking and more.  It is easy to use and alter the way you use it for students with different needs.  My favorite aspect is the fact that you can upload your own images and create your own categories!  Check out my review HERE.

17.  Rainbow Sentences:  This app is great for working on sentence structure and expanding sentences.  I love the matching color feature to help teach the parts of a sentence.  Check out my previous review here.

16. Articulation Games: This app is fun, colorful, and a motivating way to work on articulation sounds.  Who doesn't love candy?!  Check out my review HERE.

15.  Fun With Directions:  This fun app is great for working on following directions.  It is easy to use and allows for constant practice of a particular skill or you can switch skill to skill.  There is a light version and add on versions as well!  Check out my review HERE.

14.  Auditory Workout:  Have fun practicing directions and auditory concepts with this basketball themed activity.  What student doesn't love to be rewarded with a basketball game?!  Four categories addressed:  Basic and Spatial Directions, Quantitative directions, Temporal directions , and Conditional Directions.  You can even add background noise which is my favorite aspect of this app! Learn more about this app HERE.

13.  Sentence Workout:  This app is a great way to learn and practice sentence structure.  Virtual Speech Center does a great way of allowing introduction, auditory bombardment, and practice in a fun and motivating way.  It even uses a fun soccer theme!  Check out my review HERE. 

12. Social Quest:  This fun app is a great way to address social skills and higher level thinking.  It has a great theme and even allows students to place their faces or avatar into a knight!  It works on receptive and expressive social language skills in a variety of contexts.  Check out my review to learn more HERE.

11.  Verbs News:  This is a great app for working on verb tenses.  It uses a fun news theme and has great activities for teaching and practicing.  They do a great job of illustrating the past, present, and future tenses.  It uses auditory bombardment and tons of practice opportunities.  Check out my review HERE.  You can also have access to my follow-up worksheet to use with the app!

10.  Articulation Scenes:  If you are looking for an articulation app, this is the one.  It has fun themes and games for each sound.  It has printable worksheets for each sound which is great for carryover.  My favorite feature is the recording stories using sound bombarding images!  Check out my review HERE.

9.  Bag Game:  This app is great for asking and answering questions.  It can be great for social skills groups, fluency and articulation carryover activities.  My students LOVE taking turns hiding the items into the bag.  I use the EET concepts to teach students how to ask questions.  It is great for building vocabulary and defining/describing.  Learn more about this app here.
8.  iSequences:  This is a great app to work on identifying and telling sequences.  It provides pictures for students to rearrange and they are rewarded by fun graphics.  It even provides follow up questions that are related to the sequence.  See my review HERE.

7.  You’re The Story Teller: The Surprise:  This app is great for storytelling, story comprehension, expressing and recalling sequences, building vocabulary and so much more.  This app is great even with fluency and articulation carryover students.  Students can record themselves telling the story!  Opportunities for taking notes, target vocabulary can be provided, and more!  Check out my review here.

6.  Between the Lines:  You can check out my app review here.  This app is great for teaching social skills and social thinking.  The videos, audio clips, and pictures are great for teaching.  It helps elicit conversation about facial expressions, slang, figurative language, body language, and so much more!  Great for social skills groups. 
5. Custom Boards:  Although this app isn't one to use during therapy sessions, it is a great way to prepare for therapy sessions.  This app comes with TONS of templates and visuals to incorporate.  They are now trying out articulation sounds images to be used as well.  Check out a previous review here.
4. Wh Questions Island:  This fun pirate themed app is great for working on wh question skills.  It works on receptive and expressive skills.  There is a drill feature as well as a fun and motivating board game.  Students can record and replay their answers.  You can pick the question types to be targeted and use with multiple users.  Who doesn't love pirates?!  Check out my review HERE.
3. Syntax City:  This fun and easy to use app is great for practicing numerous grammar skills: plurals, past tense verbs, pronouns, has/have, and more!  It uses a city and allows you to even target different skills within the same activity.  You can have student A working on pronouns and student B working on verb tenses.  It is great and so much fun!  My students love winning the prizes (even though they don't get to keep them!).  Check out my previous post about this app HERE.
2.  Story Pals:  This app is great for those working with students with auditory and reading comprehension goals.   There are tons of stories already on the app with questions ready to go.  You can also edit the questions for your needs.  You can easily create your own stories and use question forms appropriate for your students.  I use this app to help prepare students for state-wide testing and add inferencing and main idea type questions.  This app collects data for multiple users too!  This app makes working on a boring task fun and motivating!  Don't forget to provide your students with graphic organizers to assist them in note-taking and teaching them what to listen for!  Learn more about this app HERE.

1.  Language Adventures:  This app is the most used app in my therapy room.  There are so many skills addressed in one receptively and expressively: categories, wh questions, synonyms, antonyms inferencing, and multiple meanings.  It uses a fun board game which makes the app motivating in itself.  You can have different students work on different skills.  There are three levels as well.  This app is great for data collection and progress monitoring.  I use this app often with my RTI students to help me document progress or lack there of.  You can review my previous review HERE.

I cannot believe 2012 is almost over!!  I hope you learned a bit about the apps most used in my therapy room this year to help you plan for 2013!!  Feel free to comment with some apps that would have been the top of your list!

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