Sunday, September 30, 2012

Stickers - An Economy In Our Classroom

I had wanted to implement an economy rewards system in my classroom, but most ideas I found seemed like a lot of work to me.  Like most teachers, my plate is overflowing already, so I wanted to make it simple.  It finally hit me one day - stickers! I LOVED getting stickers as a kid, but my kiddos love them even more because each one is worth $1 in our classroom economy.

Each student has a small notebook like this:

Whenever the student turns in an assignment, answers a "stretchy" question, or is "caught being good" I give them a sticker to put in their book.

At the end of the month we have a mini-store with various prizes (books, pencils, erasers, etc.) and they can "spend" their stickers.  I simply use a sharpie to cross them out as they spend them.

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