Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Wishing a great December... and careful evaluations!

Hi everybody,

Today is the first of December. This is usually a month of great emotions and even greater frenzy.
Here in Portugal it's also the last month of the first term of lessons. Which means... evaluations are at the corner.
I already feel a bit uneasy about this.
It's so hard to turn a person into a number.
I believe this is the most difficult part of being a teacher. We all know that it's not only the tests that count. But how do you evaluate the rest. Students are human, some days they are full of energy and optimistic, and other days they wake up like if they want to eat the entire world.
There's no measure to evaluate personalities or reactions, interest or dedication.
No matter how many grids we create we'll always be unfair. It's helpless. We cannot know a student enough to be able to evaluate what he/she knows or what he/she doesn't know.
I'll do my best and hope that I don't miss judge any of my kids... It's all I can do.

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