Saturday, March 29, 2014

Helpful Hints for Writing Short Stories | Reading Comprehension Stories

Covering everything there's to grasp regarding writing short stories would need a book; so, let's think about the parts of a brief story and a couple of useful tips for writing one. The parts of any story (including novels) embrace characters (characterization), conflict, theme, setting, dialogue, and plot. Coherence, clarity, and comprehension hold a story along. Characters area unit the folks and/or animals or objects that participate within the action of the story. The story centers on the most character or characters, notwithstanding others area unit enclosed.
Helpful Hints for Writing Short Stories | Reading Comprehension Stories

An important job for North American country as writers is to form the reader care regarding our characters. we should always build them thinkable, human (even if nonhuman) by revealing every character as absolutely as potential. because of the actual fact that short stories area unit short, writers cannot produce as elaborate a personality as is accomplished in an exceedingly novel. Dialogue and interactions will reveal the temperament of a personality wherever brevity does not enable long character exposition.

Helpful Hints for Writing Short Stories | Reading Comprehension Stories

A story desires conflict, a minimum of one drawback that the protagonist (hero, main character) faces, struggles with, and either wins or loses at the climax. Conflict places obstacles within the main character's method. The conflict is external, caused by another person or naturally ( like ascent a mountain or a wild animal). Conflict also can be internal: overcoming associate degree emotional trauma, fears, struggle with evil. a way to supply conflict and interest in your main character at identical time would be to place him/her in peril.

Helpful Hints for Writing Short Stories | Reading Comprehension Stories

Since short stories require brevity, usually a writer only creates one conflict for the protagonist, while a novel may contain several for the main characters and other characters in the story. The main idea a writer wants to share with readers often is called the theme. The theme is rarely directly stated, but a reader should be able to understand the main idea by the time he finishes reading the story.

Helpful Hints for Writing Short Stories | Reading Comprehension Stories Helpful Hints for Writing Short Stories | Reading Comprehension Stories
The theme could be as simple as love conquers all or as deep as the need to exorcise one's internal deamons. Where and when a story takes place is the setting. In some stories, setting takes an important role. In others, it isn't much more than background. However, the reader should have an idea of whether the story takes place in historical times or in modern, in the country or in the city. The information can be inferred by what characters say and do.
Helpful Hints for Writing Short Stories | Reading Comprehension Stories Helpful Hints for Writing Short Stories | Reading Comprehension Stories
Dialogue, whether internal or external, moves the story along, showing information rather than telling it. Dialogue is part of the action needed to create an interesting story. Hal Blythe and Charlie Sweet, in the October The Writer, stated, "Use dialogue." Of course they were discussing how to open a story, but that's good advice - to use dialogue all through a story. Good dialogue advances the action and presents the interplay of ideas and personalities. It also can give relief from passages which otherwise would be long expository passages.
Helpful Hints for Writing Short Stories | Reading Comprehension Stories Helpful Hints for Writing Short Stories | Reading Comprehension Stories
Plot is the chain of related events that create the story and is made up of at least one major problem, known as conflict. The plot has a beginning, the rising action, the climax, and the ending. Without a plot, a story doesn't exist. A writer might have a character study or a narrative without a plot, but not a story. The beginning sets the stage and catches the reader's attention. Through thoughts and dialogue, sometimes exposition, the background needed to understand what is happening unfolds. The conflict may be introduced. 

The rising action takes the protagonist through the conflict to the turning point or climax. Keeping the interest of the reader is essential during this portion of the story. The climax either shows the protagonist wins or loses the battle or that he just finds a way to accept. The resolution or ending of the story is necessary to allow the reader to know what happens after the climax. It may consist of just one paragraph after the climax, or it may be several. The reader should know the story is over without seeing "the end."

However, a work of fiction shouldn't end with a summary, nor should it trivialize the story and its characters. Perhaps, the ending needs to be a part of the story that is revised until it simply meets the need. Everything I've read seems to say that a good ending is almost harder to attain that the rest of the story. A story should make sense, be coherent. The writing should be clear. The reader should be able to understand. Coherency, clarity, and comprehension are the glue that holds a story together.

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