Tuesday, June 16, 2009

"English Tea Break"

Last June 1st was a very special day at school! Besides being the world's children day, I took the chance to develop a special activity with my students. It was called "The english tea break" . With the help of 2 other teachers, I took the students to the canteen and they baked some scones. While the scones were cooking in the oven and the water was warming up for the tea, I talked about the 5 o'clock tea tradition. The students learned some curiosities such as that it was a Portuguese Princess (Catarina de Bragança) who started this tradition in England.
At 5 o'clock, the tea was served! A bit later came the scones right from the oven. We put some jam on them and then it was the most delicious part of the activity!!! EATING!!!

Ps. It was a hell of a job.. but very worth doing!! Specially when I got back to the classroom and read a message the students' had left for me on the board : "Thank you for today's lesson!" I guess that my stress went all way when I read that!

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