After a VERY long week, today is finally Friday! I truthfully could not be any happier! It seems like a great time to link up with Doodle Bugs Teaching for Five for Friday!
Although it was a long week, we had quite a few successes. I am SO PROUD of this kiddo!
At the beginning of the year when we started Writer's Workshop he HATED writing and only wrote a sentence or two at a time. Now he's writing like a mad man!
He's proud of himself too!
Look at that smile! Amazing what the power of choice can do for a writer!
I am also super proud of our first "belt" winner for our Kicking It Math. It's the system I use in my classroom for my students to master their math facts. They LOVE it!
We also had a blast building roller coasters with our STEM kit we received from Donors Choose.
My "other job" is as a city councilman, and in honor of National Boss Day, our City Attorney sent these beautiful flowers to my school yesterday.
It was a great surprise, especially after a morning of spilled Starbucks (all over my desk and papers - grrr!) and a long collaboration meeting.

Last but not least, Tales From A Very Busy Teacher has recently gotten a makeover and is celebrating her new blog design with a giveaway! I have donated a winner's choice item and there are tons of other prizes to win as well! Head over to enter!
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