Monday, September 1, 2014

September 2014 Currently, Labor Day Sale, and Upcoming Giveaway!

We have already been back in school for a full two weeks so far,  and now it is September! The first of the month means it is time to link up with the one and only Currently from Farley!  I love her camping theme this month - perfect for Labor Day Weekend!  Even though our only camping trip this summer was a bit of a dud - we got rained out!

That would be the view from our tent...

Anyway, back to Currently:

Listening: It seems like my boys are constantly wrestling around!  Joys of being a boy mom!

Loving: After having the same students for two years in a row, I was worried about what the new batch would be like, but I am loving them!  I have some great personalities this year. I just forgot how young brand new third graders are compared to end of the year fourth graders.  Lots and lots of independence training going in right now.

Thinking: To say that my boys are animal lovers would be putting it mildly.  A few weeks ago they brought home a stray kitten that was so tiny and not really ready to be momless.  They have nursed him back to health, and I was hoping to give him away, but he is so stinkin' adorable that even I can't say no.  He is here to stay.

Wanting: Ahhh!  The pain of back to school blisters!  Just once I would love to find a pair of shoes that leaves me blisterless and comfortable for the first few weeks of school.  I've been eyeing the Tieks for ever, but am worried about the cost - are they worth it?

Needing: A fellow teacher and I took a science course this summer, and part of it includes a field trip to the hot air balloon races.  We are making model hot air balloons using tissue paper to launch at the field trip.  I am worried that we won't get them done in time...

3 Trips: I would love to go to Tahiti, Ireland, and Mexico.

On another note - I am celebrating Labor Day Weekend with a sale!  Head on over to save 20% today only! 

And, I am blown away that I have reached over 700 followers, and I will be hosting a giveaway next week in honor of that.  If you have a TpT store and would like to donate to the giveaway, fill out the form below:

Speaking of Teachers Pay Teachers, one of my friends from the TpT Sellers Conference, Nancy of The Apple Bucket Teacher has gotten her store up and running! She is hosting a contest right now, so head over and show her some love!
The Apple Basket Teacher

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