Monday, May 26, 2014

Top Ten Things I Want To Do This Summer

I am linking up with Deanna Jump for her Top Ten Things I Want to do this Summer linky. I love making to do lists to keep me on track throughout the year, but I think my summer to do list has got to be my favorite to do list each year!

Hanging with these boys!  

It seems like I spend so much time with my students during the year, I don't get quite enough time to spend with my own boys. Although that should change a bit next year (I will have Luke in my classroom!). I am looking forward to lots of quality time with my little men! 

 Especially this one since he leaves for college in August!

VEGAS!  I am super excited to be spending time and getting to meet many of my blogging besties in real life at the Teachers Pay Teachers conference in July.

One of my co-workers talked me into signing up for a STEM training this summer.  Before working at my current school I worked at a Middle School that was a STEM Academy with a major focus on STEM.  My current school is not a STEM school per se, but I know that my students loved any science and math activities we did this year, so I am looking forward to learning some new ways to introduce STEM to my younger students.

Thinking of Teaching
Summer is my time to get my read on!  I am excited to be participating in a few book studies this summer, but I will also be squeezing in a few non- PD related reads as well.

I hope to be spending more time here doing this:

I love Body Pump classes but we get so busy during the school year (especially during baseball seasons) that I often have to miss out.  I see a lot of 10 AM sessions in my summertime future.

Every summer Tyler goes to baseball camp at the University I attended.  This year Luke will be joining him as well.

Balanced Literacy.jpg

Our school district is switching to a Balanced Literacy program based on Lucy Calkin's work.  I will be attending training at the end of summer.

Re-decorating my classroom! I love matchy matchy things ( I know that is not a word, but I like it anyway).  I want to match my classroom to my blog with an apple theme.  I have done the apple theme in the past, but this year I will change up colors a bit. I've already bought the fabric for my boards and a few pieces from Target.  I can't wait to show you when it's done!

We are going to take a mini-vacation to Monterey.  The aquarium will be one of the spots we visit for sure.

I have never ever been into Ikea.  I have driven by numerous times, but this summer I am going in! LOL!

4 more days and summer is here for me!  Woo hoo!  I can't wait to cross things off my list.  What are your plans for the summer?  Link up and share!

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