Thursday, May 8, 2014

Mother's Day Present Made Easy - Coupons

Today we worked on making Mother's Day Cards with a new product I recently developed for Teachers Pay Teachers (and a special need in my class).

Love Coupons for Mother's Day, Father's Day and Any Other Time

One of my students lost her mother two years ago, so I knew I had to handle the situation of Mother's Day carefully.  I created these coupons that don't specifically say mother's day so that she could choose to give them to her Dad, Grandma, Aunt, etc. instead.  These coupons can be made for any special grown-ups in the child's life without mention to the relationship.  You could use them now for Mother's Day or later for Father's Day.  They would also be great for Valentine's Day or Christmas as well.  My students had a great time coming up with chores to bless their families with!

We folded large paper to create "folders" to house the coupons.

This creative student thought out of the folder and made a cone shape to fit her coupons in.

"Take the coupons and use it any time you want.  I love you so much.  P.S. No one can replace you."

I'm thinking this one has a hard time with his siblings!

If you would like these coupons, leave a comment below with your email address - I will pick the first two to send this product to for free!  If you don't win here, be sure to follow on Facebook where I will be giving away two more :).

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