Saturday, May 3, 2014

Currently May 2014 and a Giveaway!

May is here!  Yeah!  Last month of school and then time for a much needed vacation!  Time to link up with Farley for Currently!

I am listening to Phineas and Ferb in the background - they boys love that show.

I am loving the Starbuck's Chai I am sipping as I write this post - I am seriously addicted!  

I am thinking about all the things I have to do this weekend:
  • baseball pictures - Luke
  • baseball game  -Tyler
  • cleaning the house
  • shopping
  • haircuts for boys
  • new work shoes for hubby
  • planning for next week

Calgon take me away!  I seriously need a time genie to give me just a little more time!

I need  to go to Staples - they are having some awesome sales - particularly on grading pens and dry erase markers.  I didn't want to buy anymore dry erase markers for the year, but we are down to 14 and I have 21 students - it causes problems.  I might get a jump start on next year's supply shopping as well.  I swear the kids eat dry erase markers!

My surprise shout out is to Alison from Rockin' and Lovin' Learnin'!  She has got to be one of the sweetest bloggers around, and she leaves the best feedback!  Sometimes you feel like you are blogging to yourself when you get the silence of crickets, but she always makes me feel appreciated!

Stop by and show her some comment love!

And now for the giveaway!

I am joining with Table Talk With C&C for a great big giveaway to celebrate 1,000 Instagram followers - Woo Hoo!  I am donating a Winner's Choice from my store, and there are tons of other prizes, so head over and enter!

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