Tuesday, May 27, 2014

100 Minutes Book Study - Chapter 2 - The Building Blocks

Thinking of Teaching

I have bought some professional development books that are ok and I have bought others that I come back to time and again that get so beat up and used because they are just that good.  Each time I read them I find a new nugget I missed before.  I think this book is definitely going to be the latter and I am only through chapter 2!  I have had so many thoughts and ideas and am so glad that I decided to join this book study. If you haven't bought the book yet, you still can - it will be a great summer read!  You can read my thoughts on chapter 1 here if you missed it.

I am linking up with Kelly Anne at AppleSlices for Chapter 2.

My thoughts on Chapter 2:

As I read through the first two chapters I was really struck by how similar to Daily 5 many of the components are.  A lot of the research behind both methods is the same.

The author states that the 100 minute literacy block model was based on "the fundamental belief that students need time for explicit teaching, time for guided practice, and time for independent work." (p.14).

Chapter 2 fleshes out the key components or building blocks of the model.  Essentially the time is divided into two different chunks of whole group instruction (one for reading and one for writing) wrapped around a time for independent and small group work.

The end of the chapter paints a picture of the routine modeled by a class who has been using the routine.  As I read more, it is a picture I would like to see in my classroom, and one I am excited to continue to learn how to build.

As I read more and more, I am seeing how having less sessions and less switching during my literacy period will be a richer and more productive environment for my students.  Often I feel like I am interrupting them as they are really making a break through (finally settled into a book, or scribbling feverishly as they tell a new story) just to squeeze in a mini-lesson that isn't always what they need, but sometimes feels like I am just trying to fit SOMETHING in that chunk of time.

I am going through the standards for third grade (since I taught 4th this year) and am thinking about how I can create lessons around these new parameters.  I am both excited and nervous at the same time!

If you are reading along with this book, feel free to join in the discussion by linking up below.  I am looking forward to reading everyone else's thoughts and reflections!  

Next up- Chapter 3: Reading Around the Literacy Block

Be sure to come back here on May 30th to continue this learning journey with us. I am hosting chapter 3 and will have a giveaway and a freebie!

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