Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Fish Bowl Review Game

Because this week is a crazy one (the week after state testing and the week before Spring Break) I knew I needed to find some ideas to keep my students engaged and motivated.  I had found this post  a few years ago and planned on using it with my 7th graders, but I never got the chance.  I thought it might be fun to try out this week with my 4th graders!

Remember those carnival games where you throw a ball into a box filled with cups hoping to win a giant stuffed animal?  This game is based on that.

I made my fish pond using soup cans my students had brought in for an earlier in the year science project.  You could also use red Solo cups (my original plan but I forgot the cups at home!).

Each student had a white board and a dry erase marker.  I gave them math problems to solve. They earned 1 point for a correct answer and the chance to earn extra points by getting their ball into the cup.

They had an absolute blast and I got to review multiplication and long division with them.  Win Win!

And speaking of winners... here are my winners with their hard earned prizes!

 I am linking up with Fourth Grade Flipper for Tried It Tuesday.

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