Thursday, April 24, 2014

100 Minutes: Making Every Minute Count in the Literacy Block - Book Study and Giveaway!

Thinking of Teaching

Every year, I partake in at least one book study over my summer vacation.  When I saw this book study, I was intrigued because our school district is transitioning from the Daily 5 (which I love) to a balanced literacy program.  This seemed like it might fit the bill.  I also love the fact that Beth from Thinking of Teaching (who is hosting the book study) also uses and loves parts of Daily 5 and isn't quite ready to throw them all away - because I'm not at all!

Here is the blurb from Amazon about the book

"It is possible to create a literacy block where teachers meet with students for guided reading and writing conferences, and provide daily explicit instruction in both reading and writing. A comprehensive look at literacy and learning, 100 Minutes shows teachers how to fit balanced literacy into a daily 100-minute literacy block using a framework of whole-class instruction and writing sessions, combined with independent work. It also offers strategies for dealing with the important elements of literacy instruction, including sharing and conferencing; using exemplars; creating success criteria; providing effective feedback; building in rich tasks, higher-level thinking, open-ended questions, and collaborative learning opportunities; and thinking critically and analytically about all kinds of texts."

Of course I'm interested in learning more, aren't you?

Here are some options to purchase the book:

But... if you are lucky, you might be able to WIN a copy of the book for FREE!  Thinking of Teaching is hosting a great giveaway to help get you started with our book study!

The book study starts officially on May 23rd  - my day to host is May 31st (my first day of summer vacation!!!).  Please come join us!

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