Friday, January 17, 2014

A '300' Celebration Scavenger Hunt and Giveaway!

One of the things that I like best about being a Teaching Blogger is getting to share ideas, tips, and successes, with other teachers.  I know that my teaching practice has become so much richer because of what I have learned from other teaching bloggers, and I love hearing about other teacher's using some of my ideas in their own classroom. In keeping in that sharing mode, when I found out that two of my favorite bloggers, Erin from Miss Lifesaver, and Susan from Middle School OCD were celebrating 300 followers I couldn't wait to help them celebrate with this fun scavenger hunt and giveaway!

10 Bloggers (including myself) came together along with Erin and Susan to share TWO amazing Rafflecoptor drawings! We will also be sharing some of our favorite products and telling you a bit about the teachers that influenced our lives and inspired us to become teachers ourselves!

My Favorite Teacher
I think that every teacher has had a long list of favorite teachers that each played some part in influencing their decision to want to teach, so I had a very hard time narrowing it down!  I finally was able to narrow it down by playing eeny meeny miney moe  carefully weighing each and every one of their characteristics and choosing the person who was just a few inches ahead. 

I was fortunate enough to have my favorite teacher, Mrs. Cavasano for both second and third grade. As I began teaching and hearing all of the buzz words such as differentiation and fair is not always equal, I know that a lot of my own teaching beliefs stemmed from her.  She gave each student individualized attention way before it was in vogue.  She conferred individually with each of her students while the Sisters were still playing school and not writing books about Daily 5 and CAFE.  

She was not only the type of teacher who incorporated fun and motivation into her lessons through games and contests, but she also set high expectations of what she expected from all of her students.  She expected us to be scholars who did our best everyday, but she also was the first one to offer a nurturing hug when we needed it. I know that the relationships I have built with my students are the way they are because of the relationship that she built with me as a student, and I am honored to be able to share even the tiniest part of her with my students.

So, now that you know my favorite teacher, how do you get to use that information? You will find my name in the first Rafflecoptor below and write "Cavasano" on the line as evidence that you've read about my favorite teacher.  

This is the Favorite Teacher Scavenger Hunt where EVERYONE'S A WINNER! Unlock each of the options below to reveal a link to your prize pack , including my Read and Respond Journals.  Our prize pack includes more than 12 fabulous products from all the amazing teachers you see above!
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Our second raffle is the Grand Prize Giveaway.  This prize pack includes more than 20 amazing products (including my Factor Fishing), a $10 Starbucks card, $10 in TpT gift certificates, AND a package of goodies from New Zealand because everyone loves getting a fun package in the mail!  There's no trick to this giveaway, we're just asking you to follow along.  The more entries you unlock, the better your chance to win!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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