Friday, January 10, 2014

5 For Friday January 10

The first week after vacation is officially in the bag and it is time to link up with Doodle Bugs Teaching for Five for Friday!

This week my classroom mom came in for origami lessons.  This week's origami was a swan!

We have been up to our eyeballs in division, but one of my kiddos is just starting multiplication.  I have been working on some concrete representations.  I gave her some flash cards and she drew circles on the table and some colored discs inside and she is getting the hang of it!

This week was a testing week with common assessments for both ELA and Math.  Our district has unit assessments that all of our students take.

We have been working on Common Core for the past two years, and our scores on the common assessments have been less than stellar.  So, I was super excited to see our scores today - still not fabulous by any stretch of the means, but lets just say we rarely see blue or green.

A step in the right direction!  Can't wait to share this with my students on Monday!

Here is a little testing funny I found as I was grading the tests.  It cracked me up!

This is how I am ending my week...

I started feeling a little tickle in my throat yesterday and now it is full blown!  Thank goodness today was a 1/2 day for the kiddos because of the end of semester because I felt awful!  I was able to get my grades in quickly and head to the store and now I'm home and headed to bed!

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