Do you LOVE Friday's as much as I do?! Do you like to celebrate FUN FRIDAYS?! I always promise my students, do well during week and we can have a FUN FRIDAY! I take out the crayons, turn everything into games, bring out my computer games, and more!! Well...keep reading to see how we celebrated today and where you can grab these ideas!
Today, I took out my cauldron that I got years ago at a local CVS Pharmacy. Have you heard about the series, "Listening for ___ All Year 'Round"?! I have them all and LOVE them. I recommend altering them and using the activities to meet your needs best. In each book, each month has a theme. It has listening comprehension stories, activities that you can create, and worksheets that target that month's skill and following directions. Today's activity was from the Listening for Language book.
The month's skill is "associations." I took some ideas from the lists provided and wrote them on pumpkins and laminated. I put the pumpkins in the cauldron. We pretended to be witches and picked a pumpkin one at a time. Students had to express as many things as they could related to that topic. For each item expressed, they got a point, whoever had the most points at the end was the winner!!
As a follow-up activity, we used the worksheet that came with the book. We worked on our following directions and naming associations. If you are familiar with the book/activity, you can tell from the picture below, I changed the directions! I have a student OBSESSED with pink and some other colors. I purposely got rid of that directive! HA! Also, due to time pressures, I only gave them 2 directives per line. After we followed the directives using the 3 pictures provided they had to express another item not mentioned. Great way to keep on practicing and having fun!
I also had some students working on identifying and expressing antonyms. I found this fun board game on Boardmaker Share. You can check it out by clicking HERE. I glued the game onto a file folder and provided my students with a sentence strip to help with expressing in a sentence and to remind them what are antonyms/opposites. Using Boardmaker, I created all of the vocabulary words from this game and their matching pair onto index cards. This way, I could give them choices easily if necessary. We also played memory matching games after playing this board game for extra practice and drilling fun!
That was just a BIT of my fun day today!! What did you do?! What fun ideas have you found and has worked well in your therapy rooms?!
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