Friday, September 13, 2013

5 For Friday!

Well, Friday is almost over, but I couldn't let it end without linking up for 5 for Friday from Doodle Bugs Teaching!

Five random things from this week:

1. I spent a good chunk of this week finishing up the final touches on a new product, Kicking It Math! It is a program that I have been using with my students to master their math facts.

My kids have been BEGGING to work on their math facts so they can earn new belts.  Literally begging!  I have one student who stays after school each day to get an extra round of practice.  I practically have to kick him out the door each day! LOL!  Even my 7 year old has gotten in the act and is working on his own belts in multiplication.  He just started second grade, and is already ahead of most of my class because he practices so much!

He has also got his buddy (another teacher's child) to come in with him each afternoon to try as well.  So, now after school I have a mini math facts club! I will be posting later on this week about all of the ins and outs of the program and how I use it, but you can also find it on Teachers Pay Teachers here.
2. Another happy teacher moment is that Daily 5 is well on its way and we are developing more and more stamina each day.  Our record is 21 minutes, but I would be thrilled if we could go for 20 minutes a round. A few shots of Read to Self:
We are hard at work at using text for evidence to answer questions!
3. We also worked hard solving some math puzzlers for place value.
4. We are also loving our read aloud Wonder - And I am loving their persuasive writing to let me know why THEY should sit at the summer table with Auggie and Summer.  If you have not read this book yet - you HAVE to!
5. And on a non-school related matter look at this!
Let me just preface this with the fact that I am NOT a runner - it is probably one of my least favorite things to do.  But... I am working on taking better care of myself, so I got a treadmill for Christmas.  When I first started using it, I could make it a mile in about 23 minutes with a combination of running and walking - but mostly walking.  This morning I finished a  mile in 14:35 and that included my 2 minute warm up at a slow pace - yeah me!  I know to all of you REAL runners out there this is nothing, but... it's all about the growth right?
Last but not least, I have a winner for my TpT gift card giveaway!  If you would like to win next month, simply follow my TpT store for your chance!

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