Friday, August 23, 2013

Love It & List It: Organization Fun!

Jenna over at Speech Room News is hosting another Love It & List It Linky Party!!  As you can tell, I am participating!  Who doesn't love a party?!
How do I remain organized?! Well, I will be the first to admit, it can be VERY difficult!  Once the annual reviews start, testing, RTI data, and bombarded with laminating/prepping, it can be difficult!  Every summer I ponder "How can I do things differently?"

Last school year, I used my data collection book. Click HERE to view that previous post.
In one large binder, I was able to keep organized my schedule, important student information, parent/guardian contact log, goals, and data forms.  It really helped having everything in one place.

How else do I try to keep organized?  I keep a file holder on my desk at all times.  I label my files: to be laminated, to go home, to be filed, and "memo from speech & language" blank forms for easy quick memo to parents/colleagues.  I personally like having places to store things so it doesn't get too cluttered.  It also forces me to get things done in a timely manner.  

With all of the TpT products I create and buy, I have tons of "little game pieces."  How do I keep my entire activities together so no pieces get lost?
I buy these envelopes in bulk to get them cheaply (and in between, I run to the nearest dollar store).  This has worked best for me for several years now.

Have you seen my previous post about top 10 tools for my "speech toolbag?"  Click HERE to check it out!!

Now that you know some ways I've been organized in the past, how about some ideas I have for this upcoming school year?

I recently purchased from Target a 3-drawer storage.  I found mine for less than $10.  Best part, it has wheels!  I plan to keep this against the wall near my therapy table.  I plan to keep all of my fun "speechie gadgets" that I can never find easily right there.  This way I can easily grab it, wheel it over, and pull something out!
Are you curious about my gadgets?!  Haha!  I plan to keep:
  • Sentence strips
  • Mini dry erase boards and markers
  • Art supplies
  • Dice, spinners, and game pieces
  • BINGO chips
  • Bean bags
  • Index cards
  • Tap lights
  • Fun reinforcers like stickers
Once I finally fill my fun new drawer, I plan on creating labels (probably with Boardmaker) so I can easily find items.  This will also force me to put them back in the right spot!!

Have you seen Jenn from Crazy Speech World's speech supply toolbox?!  Click HERE to view her post.  After I saw it, I knew I had to implement this idea in my therapy room this year.  I don't know if I can be as crafty as she was with the chevron and labels, but I sure will try!

One other way I plan to be organized this year is by using my Speech Newsletters.  I plan on using them to easily notify parents and classroom teachers about the happenings in my speech room.  Click HERE to learn more about these newsletters and ways that you can use them to make your life easier (and to please parents/teachers/administrators at the same time..BONUS!).
As the new school year begins, I will keep you posted on ways I keep organized.  For now, these are plans and ideas that I hope to put into motion come September!

How do you stay organized?  Have you tried any of these methods??  How did it go?  Feel free to share in the comments!!

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