Friday, August 30, 2013

Five For Friday!

Well, we have survived the second week of school!  Woo hoo!  Time for a three day weekend, and of course, Five For Friday with DoodleBugs Teaching!
Here are 5 Random things from this week:
1. I am LOVING the First Ten Weeks: Mentor Sentence Unit from Ideas by Jivey that I bought during the big TpT sale!
One thing that I really don't think I taught as well as I could have last year was grammar.  Our district has adopted the Common Core in full force, and in doing so has pretty much dumped all of our text books.  I felt like last year I was just piecing things together.  I love the flow of her unit, and I feel like my students are gaining so much more from this.  Even though things aren't perfect, as you can see above, I know where my students are and what I need to do to get them there.  I love having a plan!
My kiddos have been hard at work Kicking those math facts!
This is similar to what I used last year, but they are loving the new karate style theme! I will be posting this to TpT soon - hopefully this weekend.
3. Reptiles!  My boys have gone reptile crazy!  My husband took the youngest two to Repticon, a big reptile convention. 
 While they were there, they learned about a reptile club, which they wanted to join.  The first meeting they went to was this week.  They brought their leopard ghecko to show and tell.  Here are a few of the other pets that were shown:
While at the club, Cody won a new reptile - A corn snake! Yikes!  I am not sure what I think about this new hobby :/ - but they are loving it.
4. Birthdays! We have LOTS of birthdays in August and September, and I always make them wear the birthday hat!
5. Homework funny:
Just had to share this little homework funny:
If you can't read it - it says "The problem was that the author could not write a good book.  The problem got solved when they got good at it."
Made me chuckle!

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