Wednesday, July 31, 2013

What's Your Math Problem!?! Book Study Chapter 8

I am linking up with
                                                     Jennifer Smith-Sloane from 4mulaFun
                                                     Meg Anderson  from Fourth Grade Studio
                                                    Jamie Riggs from MissMathDork
                                                    and Jennifer Findley from Teaching to Inspire 5th Grade

for this book study on What's Your Math Problem!?!

 If you missed my previous posts you can find them here:

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7

Questions form The Field
In the final chapter, the author answers some commonly asked questions about problem solving.  The first question answered is one that I think would be asked by most teachers:

How do I find time to fit problem solving into an already full curriculum? This is a question that I myself have wondered.  With the Common Core, it seems like more and more is being asked of teachers.  But, with the problem solving component, it is actually asking teachers to do less.  By giving students one complex rich problem instead of multiple easy operational problems, we are killing two birds with one stone so to speak.  We are not only teaching the skill, but we are teaching problem solving.

Where Can I find Rich Problems:

The author suggested NCTM Illuminations as one possible resource.

Some other sources I have used include:

Math Landing


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