I am linking up with Saturday Snapshots from Run! Miss Nelson's Got the Camera!
This past week was extremely busy for us! We had my high school reunion on Saturday and Sunday, we went to the Homerun Derby (Minor league) on Monday, hubby's birthday was Tuesday, then hubby and Tyler went to the All Stars game on Wednesday. Yesterday I went into school to start working on my new room! Glad for the weekend to relax a little!
A group photo from the reunion - I am almost smack dab in the middle.
A smaller group shot - I am the one in black.
After the reunion on Saturday night, we had a family get together Sunday afternoon. Hubby and Luke fell asleep together on the beach, and I was able to snap this adorable shot.
While my husband and Tyler were at the baseball game, the youngest two boys recruited the dog and I to sleep on the trampoline with them. It was not the most restful sleep I have ever had, but it was nice spending time with them.
Since I am rolling up with my class to 4th grade, I had to switch classrooms. Here is a shot of what it looked like when I walked in. One thing I really love is that there are bookshelves all the way across that wall. I had virtually no storage space in my old room, so I am excited about it!
I'm trying to decide what to do about these bulletin boards - I currently have black fabric on the boards in my old room, but I am switching to a Snoopy theme, and I am almost thinking the bright yellow might look good with some black chevron type borders - sort of Charlie Brown? What do you think?
Speaking of gearing up for the classroom, you might want to enter Farley's awesome $100 gift card giveaway!
Last but not least, here is a photo of my proudest moment this week.
The reason why I am proud of it is because I have been really consistent about working out each morning for an hour for the past two weeks. Yesterday, when I woke up I felt a little blah and I did not want to work out at all! But... I had read this article about the Seinfeld strategy the day before and it really resonated with me. The article talked about how Seinfeld would write a joke EVERY single day. His goal was to not break the chain of doing it every day. I had also read another article (that I can't find the link to) about consistency and that it was better to keep part of the habit than to not do it at all. In my case, it would be better to hop on the treadmill for 20 minutes than not to do it at all. So, I decided I was just going to workout for 20 minutes - you can do anything for just 20 minutes right? Well, I ended up staying on for the whole hour! Now, I didn't go as far as I usually do, but... I stayed consistent! Woo hoo!
I am really trying to develop better habits right now, and this is one of them. I read another article that talked about creating habits by doing small rituals rather than the big goal. So instead of saying, I want to lose weight, you would say I am the type of person who never misses a workout. If you never miss a workout, you will eventually lose weight, but it is easier to control never missing a workout than losing weight.
As I was on the treadmill, I started thinking about how this applied to school habits too. A few habits I would like to develop this school year are:
- I am the type of teacher who makes copies a week in advance so that I don't have any last minute morning panics.
- I am the type of teacher who makes a plan for her prep period (instead of chit chatting with other teachers) so that I can spend more time with my boys in the afternoon.
Do you have any habits you are working on?
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