Monday, June 10, 2013

Setting Up A Teacher's/ Life Binder - Monday Made It

School's out for me, which only means one thing - summer and time for Monday Made It with 4th Grade Frolics!

I had been wanting to have a teacher's binder or a control journal a'la Flylady for some time now, but I just have never gotten around to doing it until recently. I wasn't sure that I wanted to keep track of 2 different binders for home and school, so I decided to put them together.

I made the following categories:
  • Weekly Worksheet (I got this idea from The Together Teacher). I love that it has a place to put priorities for classroom, school, and personal all in one.  At the of this section I also printed out a Weekly-Round up Agenda (again from The Together Teacher) and put it in a sheet protector.  I have been trying to get better about setting aside some time on Sundays to follow this agenda to get everything organized and planned for the week.

  • Calendar - I actually keep several calendars in here.  First, I printed out a Comprehensive Calendar from The Together Teacher here. Then, I added my school monthly calendar that the school sends out to all of the parents.  I also have my boys' baseball schedules and my gym's class schedule.

  • Lesson Plans
  • Standards
  • Class Data
  • Student Info - I added a set of alphabetical dividers so that I can keep information on each of my kiddos next year.  I have had a few times this year where I was asked about a particular student during collaboration or with meetings with my principal and I would have loved to have this on hand.
  • School Meetings
  • Misc

    My boys keep asking me where "the binder" is so they can check on their baseball schedules and other events.  You know when your children use an organizational tool it is definitely a keeper!
    I am sure that I will continue to tweak it a bit until it is perfect (or close to!) but so far, I am loving it!

    Do you have a teacher's binder?  What do you use it for?

I am also linking up with two of my favorite bloggers Fun in Room 4B and Ladybug's Teacher Files for their Optimum Organization linky party. They are sharing tons of organizing ideas and I am loving learning from all of those uber organized teachers out there!

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