Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Thumbs Up To Star Speech: Fluency or Pragmatic Fun!

This activity was designed for working on fluent speech.  However, it can be used also with social skills groups since it can elicit conversations.

In this file:
-Thumbs up/Thumbs down visual to help students rate own speech patterns

-Thumbs up/Thumbs down visual to help students rate own conversational skills

-Star speech:  Students will pick a star card and respond to questions/conversation starters provided.  If they pick the “thumbs up” card, they get an extra turn.  If they pick the “thumbs down” card, they lose a turn.  The student with the most cards at the end of the game is the winner.

-Reflective worksheet:  students will share and write their feelings about good and bad speech/conversational/social experiences in the appropriate thumbs.
You can access this activity in my TpT store by clicking HERE!!

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