Saturday, December 1, 2012

Currently - December (Plus Freebie For Followers!)

I love Farley's Currently posts and I try to participate whenever I can remember to get it done - or when I have a few extra minutes.  I thought it was interesting that she had a RAK (Random Act of Kindness) because of something that happened on Friday.  I have a girl in my class who has a very difficult home situation.  She came into the class bawling on Friday morning.  The other girls in my class told me that she was crying because she was wearing boys shoes.  Supposedly her younger brother had thrown her shoes up on the roof, so she was wearing his shoes which were 2 sizes too small. 

I called my hubby and he was gracious enough to bring down some socks and a new pair of shoes - girls shoes.  I never would have thought of doing this in the past, but something made me just do it.  Have you ever done something above and beyond for a student?

Special Bonus Random Act of Kindness for My Followers

I really appreciate all of my followers who stop by and see what I have to say!  As a special random act of kindness, I am giving away one free item of your choice from my TPT store!  Simply leave a comment below telling me that you follow my blog, along with your email address and your choice, and I wil email you the item!

Thank you so much for following!

My TPT Store

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