Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Vocabulary & Grammar Uno-Like Card Games!!!

One of the most popular games in my therapy room is UNO.  I am often pulling the game out at the end of a session and when students throw down a wild, skip, reverse, or plus 2 giving them a question/vocabulary word, etc.  I decided to create a variety of UNO-like games that are ready to go to target the majority of my students' needs.  I hope you find they can cover most of yours as well!

I split the activities into two packs, vocabulary & grammar.  Both packs can be played one target at a time.  I recommend backing each target with a different construction paper color to help discriminate.  It is important to back them before laminating so students cannot see through the cards!

The vocabulary pack covers the various targets: categories, synonyms, antonyms, and adjectives.

As students throw down each card, they must express the vocabulary target based on the word presented.  I also provided blank cards for you to write in your own targets!  You can access this game HERE!

The grammar pack covers the following targets: regular plural nouns, irregular plural nouns, regular past tense verbs, and irregular past tense verbs.  Again, I recommend backing in a different color when setting up.  Students must express the past tense or plural tense of the word presented on the card they are throwing down.  I also provided blank cards for you to write in your own targets!

You can access this card game HERE!

Want to try before you buy???  I created a freebie version!!  This freebie addresses compare/contrasting!
Grab this freebie HERE!!!
Classroom Freebies Manic Monday

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