Anyway, I ran across this pin from Primarily Speaking. I knew it would be a great way for my kiddos to practice their addition and multiplication facts. My students always love playing games and I love finding ways for them to get better at their math facts. Us teachers need to be sneaky sometimes!

I found these 5 gallon paint stir sticks at Wal-Mart for 38 cents. I grabbed four of them to start.
Then using a sharpie, I sectioned off parts and numbered each one. The above one is an addition version. I used the red/yellow disks instead of the linking cubes because I happen to have a lot more of these (just in case the kiddos manage to lose one or two). Each student picks a color and then lines up their pieces around the paint stick.
They absolutely loved the game and begged to play all week long! You can easily modify this game for greater or less challenge by changing the numbers or the amount of dice you use. You could even make a division or subtraction version if you want. Easy, cheap, and fun!